HYSA Parents –
As the Fall’15 season draws to a close, please take a few minutes to submit a coach evaluation. These evaluations are used by HYSA as one method of input from parents and players about their coaches, and are important in decisions about next year’s travel select coaches.
New this year, the coach evaluation form is online. Here is the link: Online HYSA Coach Eval Form.
We want to hear about good coaches as well as things to improve upon. Responses are anonymous, although if you wish to have a coordinator follow up with you, please include a name and email address in the comments box. If you have more than one child playing with HYSA this fall, please fill out a form for each coach separately.
This evaluation should summarize your ratings of your child’s coach for the fall season. It should not be your only method of feedback if you have issues; please do not wait for problems to get out-of-hand before bringing them to our attention. We also encourage you to directly engage with your coach throughout the season. Most prefer time scheduled away from practice or games for discussion.
Thank you for your input.
Garth Fondo, HYSA President