Travel Team Tryouts
Tryout Process
We strongly believe that the primary purpose of the Travel Program is to develop the skills and confidence of each and every player to assure their current and future enjoyment of the game. It is our aim to place players on travel teams with other players of a comparable skill level, who then play against other travel teams of similar skill level. It has been our experience that this is the best way to maximize each player’s opportunity to develop his or her skills and confidence. We have found that players attempting to play above their skill level will often become frustrated and discouraged and find they are struggling just to keep up, hampering their skill development. Conversely, we have found that a player playing down from his/her skill level could become bored and find that his/her skills are not developing further.
The tryout process helps HYSA place players on “select” teams, as well as evaluating skill development of all players. Because children mature and develop physically at different times, it is important to re-assess their skill development every year to assure that they remain properly placed. Players on current select travel teams must try out every year.
Every year the HYSA Board of Directors decides how many select teams there will be, based on player registrations and tryouts. There is a possibility that two select travel teams (A & B) will be created for one
or multiple programs. 5th through 8th players who don’t make the top team in each age group will be placed on an equally weighted non-select team with the remaining players, or another rated team depending on the total number of registrants in the age group. For those players trying out for the 4th grade select teams, the same applies with the exception that players who do not make the select travel teams will continue to play in the HYSA Intramural Program with other 3rd and 4th graders.
Rosters typically do not change much between seasons; however HYSA reserves the right to make changes based on the needs of the program. Holliston travel teams play in the Boston Area Youth Soccer (BAYS) league and occasionally have to travel up to 60 minutes to out-of-town games. We ask all teams to remember that they are representing Holliston and should act accordingly.
Tryout Evaluations
The travel team evaluation process focuses on observing skill development in a limited number of activities, in small-sided games of several players and sometimes in game-like full scrimmages. The emphasis will be on observing what each player does well that can serve as the foundation for further skill development over the coming year. We also try to assess the player’s general understanding of the game and how the player reacts in different game situations.
Player evaluations are conducted under the supervision and direction of current HYSA coaches as well as outside assessors. Every effort is made to avoid evaluator/player conflict of interests. Prior to each age group’s evaluations, the current coaches of those players are asked to complete written assessments of their players. These written assessments are used in conjunction with the tryout evaluations when configuring teams.
After the evaluations for each age group have been done, the select coaches and the respective Travel Coordinators meet to review the assessments and develop a consensus on the placement of each player. The Travel Coordinators and the HYSA Executive Board have final approval of all rosters, and are responsible for ensuring that all players have been properly placed.
Tryout Schedule
Travel evaluations are scheduled with two tryout dates for each age group. We strongly encourage your child to attend both dates for his/her age group. Remember, this is for the program that players will be in next year (i.e. if s/he is 5th grade this spring, s/he will be in 6th grade next year and should attend 6th grade tryouts). Please check the schedule often, as it may change due to weather etc. If for any reason your child can’t make both of the evaluations, you should contact the Registrar or appropriate Travel Coordinator to let them know prior to the scheduled tryout date.
Team Notification
An email will be sent to all registered players in July with information regarding placement. If your email changes, please contact the Registrar or your child’s Travel Coordinator as soon as possible. If you have any questions concerning the evaluation process, please feel free to contact any board member
Preparation for Tryouts
All players must have completed registration prior to attending tryouts.
On the day of tryouts, arrive at least 10 minutes before the start time to sign in and obtain a numbered pinnie vest.
All players must wear a plain white shirt. Please no club or travel uniforms.
Players should bring a soccer ball and water.
Note that HYSA reserves the right to make changes to the tryout and placement process as it deems necessary.