From time to time, the HYSA spring or fall game schedule is in conflict with the observance of a religious holiday. HYSA’s policy is to allow any coach the option of cancelling an Intramural game or postponing a BAYS travel game where such a religious conflict may exist. Intramural games will not be rescheduled if they are cancelled for this or any other reason.
When cancelling an Intramural game, the program Coordinator, opposing coach and Referee Scheduler must be notified as soon as possible before the scheduled game date. BAYS travel games should be rescheduled in accordance with the BAYS process.
All HYSA coaches are expected to cooperate in assuring that children and their families are able to choose freely, and without pressure, between religious observances and participation in HYSA activities. It is expected that a child who chooses to observe a religious holiday in lieu of playing soccer will not jeopardize his or her playing time or position on the team in future games as a result of such choice.