The Holliston Youth Soccer Fall’19 travel team assignments are now available.
To view your child’s team, please log into the registration site at with the account you used to sign him/her up. Team assignments are shown in the Team Name column to the right of each registered player’s name. Your child’s coach will contact you shortly with more information about the upcoming fall season, including travel team uniforms for new players.
For parents of 4th graders: please note that if it says “Registered: Not Assigned” in the Team Name column next to your child’s name, then s/he will be reclassed to the intramural 3rd/4th grade program and will be placed on an intramural team in late August.
All registered 5th – 8th grade players have been assigned to a travel team.
Thank you all for your continued participation in Holliston Youth Soccer.
Holliston Youth Soccer Association
Jeremy Cordon, Boys’ Travel Coordinator
Joe O’Leary, Girls’ Travel Coordinator